David Gauntlets theory of identity

David gauntlets theory of identity

David gauntlets theory of identity is where people have an idea about what they want to portray themselves as through media. For example, if someone sees something in a magazine or on television, they want to inspire to be like the person or group of people. Another part of his theory was that the way that women and men were stereotyped in the early days made things a lot simpler. This was in times where men were stereotypically the hard-working figure that went out and worked hard and earned money to supply food and goods for his family, while females were at home looking after the children and also cleaning and cooking. He now believes the way that gender is a presented is very different and has changed drastically.

There is a difference between ender and sex, gender means what sort of characteristics a sex has, for example a man is thought to be masculine and a women is meant to be feminine. However how things are nowadays it is okay for a male to be in touch with his feminine side and a women to be in touch with her masculine side. Gauntlets theory says that people expect males and females to act in a stereotypical way, and if anyone acts out of the ordinary they may struggle to fit in. Some people may judge or be shocked when someone chooses to act or dress different because they aren’t prepared yet for someone to go outside the box and break the so called rules of society.
Now that I have researched a bit more into David gauntlets theory part of me agrees with it. The media play a huge role in making self-identities. Gauntlets theory of identity is based off the fact that in the present day, media roles are a lot more open than they used to be. For example a television show in the past that contained a male protagonist only, nowadays it couldn’t be like that because women would see that to be discrimination, this is because they will feel like men are more privileged. An example of this is the English television show, Doctor who. There has been 26 male doctors. And in 2017 a women played the main character.  This shows how things have changed because in the past, the doctor would’ve had to be a male just because of stereotypes. A lot of other shows are doing similar things, by changing the gender of big roles. Another example of this was the 007 film series, they use a women as the head of the secret intelligence agency. This shocked quite a few people as normally a head of a secret intelligence agency would’ve been a man in these times
